Are radiator covers a good idea? Compare Pros and Cons before you buy one.

If you’re looking for a way to add style to your home, radiator covers may be the answer. However, radiator covers could have the opposite effect if you have cold rooms or inadequate heating. In this article, we’ll discuss whether radiator covers are worth it and what alternatives exist if they are not.

Radiator covers aren’t always a good idea.

However, this doesn’t mean you should run out and buy a radiator cover. The majority of experts are against them. That’s not just because they look ugly—there’s also reason to believe that they could be detrimental to your home’s heating system.

For one thing, radiator covers can block air from flowing through the radiators and cool them down when it’s not needed. If you’re in a place where winters aren’t too cold, or summers aren’t too hot, this may not be as much of an issue for you. But suppose you live somewhere where temperatures fluctuate between freezing and sweltering every few months (which is pretty much everywhere). In that case, having a radiator cover could make your house colder than necessary when it gets cold outside!

Another issue with radiator covers is that they take up space—and limited storage space isn’t something we have enough of these days! So you might think that since they’re just sitting there during the winter, why not use them as storage space? But if an item becomes dusty or dirty over time while hidden under blankets or sheets until spring comes around again, it might be even harder to clean once those items are exposed later on down the road!

Finally—and perhaps most importantly—radiator covers can affect how long your boiler will last before needing repairs. While most boilers come with warranties covering parts like pumps and burners during this time frame (usually five years), contracts don’t typically include labor costs associated with fixing problems caused by improper maintenance habits such as installing radiator covers incorrectly across multiple rooms throughout an entire house instead.”

Radiator covers can hide radiators that are cold in places.

Radiator covers are a good idea if you want to see your radiators and don’t care if they’re warm. They’ll hide that some of your radiators are cold in places.

If you want to keep them hidden, though, and also keep them warm all over, then radiator covers are not going to work for you.

Radiator covers can make your home seem smaller.

In general, radiator covers can make your home feel smaller. They may also make the room seem more closed in and more crowded than it is. This effect can be intensified by the colour of your radiator cover, which should match or complement the walls behind it. For example, if you have a light blue border with white trim, try using a shade of blue on your radiator cover slightly darker than the trim color to create even more visual contrast between them.

Big Radiator Covers
Big Radiator Covers

Radiator covers could negatively impact your boiler warranty.

Radiator covers can reduce the temperature of your boiler, reducing the efficiency of your boiler and making it harder for it to work correctly. In addition, if you have a warranty on your boiler and something goes wrong because of this, you may not be able to claim under it.

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A radiator cover could lead to worse heating inefficiency.

A radiator cover could lead to worse heating inefficiency. Radiator covers can trap heat and make the room feel warmer, but they can also cause condensation and be a fire hazard if you don’t clean them. They’ll also make your space smaller because they’re covering up something that’s supposed to be on display!

Quick Summary

Radiator covers are often ugly and take up space.

  • Radiator covers are often ugly.

  • They take up space.

  • They can make your home seem smaller.

  • They can be expensive.

  • If you have exposed radiators, you’ll need to install the radiator cover before it is too late and the pipes start rusting. It is vital for the safety of everyone in your household, tiny children and pets who could accidentally burn themselves on a hotline that hasn’t been covered yet!

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An excellent alternative to radiator covers is adding a painting or piece of furniture next to the radiator.

If you’re really not a fan of the look of your radiators but still want to make them more hidden, there are other options. A painting or piece of furniture right next to the radiator can be a good alternative. It doesn’t take up space and can make your home look more attractive.

A large mirror on the wall above the radiator is another option that could help hide it if you don’t like it.

Consider finding alternative solutions to having radiator covers.

If you want to keep your radiator looking stylish and free of dust, many alternatives can work better or even better than a cover. For example, if you have a painting or piece of furniture next to the radiator, it can function as a cover while also serving an aesthetic purpose in your home. Another option is adding mirrors on either side of the radiator; this will reflect heat into the room and help keep things warm and cozy! You could also try putting curtains or blinds over windows, so less sunlight gets into your house during the winter when it’s time for heating systems to kick in again. It’s essential not only for comfort but also because getting too much direct sunlight causes radiators.


The bottom line is that radiator covers are not a good idea for most people. They can make your home seem smaller, hide cold radiators, and look bad. However, some alternatives work well. For example, you could get artwork or a piece of furniture next to the radiator instead of covering it up entirely with fabric or wood.


1. Do you lose a lot of heat with radiator covers?

If so, you may want to reconsider the use of radiator covers. They can cut down on your heat output, but not by much. A typical roofer installation of radiator covers should not have much effect on temperature.

2. How big should a radiator cover be?

The most significant consideration for how large your radiator cover should be is what size or type of radiator you use. Each different style and size of appliance requires a specific size of radiator cover to protect it. Additionally, it’s crucial to choose a cover that fits well in the space where your appliances are located on the wall.

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