Examples Of The Different Types Of OCD

There are many different types of OCD, each with its own unique characteristics and symptoms. Some of the most common types include contamination OCD, hoarding OCD, checking OCD, and religious or ethical OCD.

Contamination OCD

Contamination OCD is characterized by a preoccupation with fears of becoming sick or contaminated due to exposure to germs, dirt, or other substances. People with this type of OCD often have strong urges to repeatedly wash their hands or shower in an attempt to reduce these fears.

Hoarding OCD

Hoarding OCD is characterized by an excessive need to collect and accumulate items that are generally considered useless or of little value. People with this type of OCD may experience extreme anxiety at the thought of discarding these items, even if they have no interest in using them.

Checking OCD

Checking OCD is characterized by an obsession with repeatedly checking for potential dangers or errors, such as making sure that the stove is turned off or that a lock has been properly secured. People with this type of OCD often experience intense anxiety and distress if they are unable to complete these types of safety checks.

Religious Or Ethical OCD

Religious or ethical OCD is characterized by obsessive thoughts and urges related to religious or moral beliefs that cause significant distress and interfere with day-to-day functioning. People with this type of OCD may feel compelled to engage in certain rituals, such as engaging in prayer or confessing their sins, in order to relieve these intrusive thoughts and urges.


While each of these types of OCD can be challenging to manage, there are a variety of effective therapies and treatments available to help manage symptoms and reduce the impact that OCD has on one’s life. Whether it’s cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication, or some combination of both, there is hope for those struggling with this debilitating condition. If you’re interested in learning about Care, check out CBAT for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common types of OCD?

The most common types of OCD are contamination OCD, hoarding OCD, checking OCD, and religious or ethical OCD

How can I tell if I have one of these types of OCD?

People with each type of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder typically experience strong urges to engage in certain rituals or behaviors and may be prone to obsessive thoughts related to a particular area. For example, someone with contamination OCD might have a fear of germs and an urge to excessively wash their hands while someone with hoarding OCD may feel compelled to collect items that they don’t need or use. If you’re experiencing symptoms such as this on a regular basis, it’s recommended that you seek professional help from a mental health provider

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Is there treatment available for different types of ocd?

Yes! There are treatments available for each type of ocd. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is considered the primary form of treatment for all types ocd and is often combined with medication management techniques such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Additionally, some people also find alternative therapies such mindfulness meditation or yoga to be helpful in managing ocd symptoms. Whatever treatment approach you choose, there is hope for recovery and a better quality of life!


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