SIA License Renewal: Question And Answer

Are you looking to renew your SIA license in the UK? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about renewing a SIA license in the UK. We will cover topics such as renewing after expiration, documents needed for renewal, cost of renewal, processing time and how long an SIA licence lasts. So make sure to read through this post carefully if you want all your questions answered!

Is it possible for me to renew my SIA licence after its expiration date?

Yes, you can renew your SIA licence even after it has expired. However, the renewal process will take longer and may require additional steps, such as sitting for a new exam if your license has been expired for more than 6 months.

What paperwork must I provide in order to renew my SIA licence?

In order to renew your SIA license, you will typically need to provide proof of ID, such as a passport or government-issued photo ID card. You may also need to provide proof of address, such as a recent utility bill or bank statement. Additionally, some types of licenses may require additional documentation, such as criminal background checks or medical certificates. Be sure to check with the specific licensing body that you are working with to learn about all the documents that you may need to provide.

What is the fee associated with renewing a Security Industry Authority (SIA) license?

The cost of renewing a SIA license varies depending on a number of factors, such as your license type and the licensing body that you are working with. Generally speaking, renewing an SIA license can range anywhere from £50-100, though some specialized licenses may be more expensive. It’s always best to contact your local licensing body directly for specific information about renewal costs.

How quickly can I renew my SIA licence?

The length of time required to renew your SIA license will depend on a number of different factors, including the type and status of your license, as well as the licensing body that you are working with. Generally speaking, renewing an SIA license can take anywhere from 1-6 weeks, though in some cases it may take longer. It’s always best to contact your local licensing body for more specific information about renewing your license.

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How many years does an SIA licence remain valid for?

Your SIA license will typically be valid for a period of 2-5 years, depending on the type and status of your license. However, this can vary depending on the licensing body that you are working with and the type of work you are doing. Be sure to check with your local licensing body or regulatory agency directly for more specific information about how long your SIA license will be valid for.


Renewing your SIA license is an important step in order to stay compliant with the UK’s security industry regulations. Knowing which documents you need, how much it will cost and how long it will take can help make renewing your license a smoother process. Remember that different types of licenses may have slightly different renewal requirements, so be sure to check with your local licensing body for specific information before renewing. With the right preparation and knowledge from this article, renewing your SIA license should be stress-free! To find out more information on how to renew your sia license step by step, check out Dynamis Education.

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