Top 5 Ruthless Ways to Get Rid of Your Inner Critic

There is nothing worse than sinking into the abyss of self-denial and destruction of self-esteem. However, this is exactly what a huge part of society does. No one can hurt us more than we hurt ourselves, and psychologists agree. But how do we suppress the inner critic and begin to treat ourselves with understanding, showing love? 

You Definitely Have Positive Qualities

When you start working through your self-esteem, you’ll start noticing your strengths right away, and everyone has them. As long as the critic occupies too much space in your mind, it’s difficult to understand your self-value. Learn to thank and appreciate yourself even for small achievements, for example, for things done on time or for winning at Bizzo Casino New Zealand. Gradually, the level of anxiety and self-injury will decrease so much that you won’t even remember that it’s time to criticize yourself for something you have done.

What Intonation You Use to Address Yourself

Psychologists often say that, by expressing dissatisfaction close to them, we unconsciously try to smooth the edges, without presenting the information too harshly. In this situation, we usually don’t feel sorry for ourselves and are not ceremonious, coming up with the most hurtful epithets. There is a good exercise: as soon as you want to accuse yourself of something, even if deserved, think, would you be able to say such a friend or loved one? Be careful what you say, especially about yourself.

More Humor

There’s nothing like self-irony to help combat your inner critic. Yes, it’s not easy to deal with situations that piss you off with humor, but you have to try. The easier you treat unpleasant moments in your life, the quieter your inner critic will speak. It is important to remember that no one is perfect, and most problems are solved by our will.

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Whose Voice Is Your Critic Speaking?

People who are overly critical of themselves become so for a reason. Many of us had situations in our childhood when our parents scolded us too much for something, which may have caused us to develop feelings of guilt that carry over smoothly into adulthood. No matter how old we are, we are always afraid of disappointing our parents, and often it is the parental voice in our head that tells us what is right and what is wrong. Think about it, how dependent are you on that voice?

You Always Have Someone to Support You

You will probably remember a time when your friends radically disagreed with your negative self-image. However, many of us tend to think of ourselves as always worse than we really are, and how others see us. All this indicates a violation of the development of self-esteem. Of course, in such a situation, you cannot cope without a specialist, but you can start with the fact that form a support group around – make a rule to listen to people who give you a positive and objective assessment.

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